Making menus smarter.​

Install the TahuaQR app on any iOS and Android Device.​

TahuaQR is designed to be re-branded into your own restaurant app and has an easy-to-use Content Management System (CMS) that allows you to add and edit menu items as needed. You can also create promos, one-day specials and other discounts easily. Or you can put a menu item as unavailable if you’re missing the ingredients for it.

We support all food service business from food truck, small restaurants, franchisee and even virtual food services.

Instead of building and maintaining your own online ordering app for thousands of dollars and months of development time, you can pay a fixed monthly subscription fee starting at $79 and be up and running inside a week.

Joining is Easy!

  1. Signup
  2. Get verified
  3. Setup your menu to start taking orders!

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